Video 3: Long-Term Community Goal

Long-Term Community Goal

This section will provide you with an overview of Long-Term Community Goals

A long-term community goals should capture an ideal state the community is moving toward. Projects are developed with the intent of bringing the community closer to these goals. Well defined projects demonstrate that the community or organization has a clear sense of direction and focus. Many tribes and organizations have identified long-term goals through a community-based planning process and include them on their websites or comprehensive plan documents. Similarly, non-profit organizations can often find their long-term goals in their mission statements and/or strategic planning documents generated by members of that organization.

  • This is video three of the 2021 Pre-Application Training Videos developed by the Administration for Native Americans Regional Training and Technical Assistance Centers. I'm your trainer today, I'm Drena McIntyre with the Alaska Region Training and Technical Assistance Center. The Alaska Region Training and Technical Assistance Center offers free training and technical assistance to the 227 tribes and native nonprofits located in the State of Alaska. You can reach us at or 1800-948-3158. This is a 16 video series designed to introduce you to the basic concepts for preparing a 2021 ANA grant application to support your community-based project. We urge you to take all videos in sequence, one through 16. This is video three of pre-application training, the project framework, and we're going to discuss the longterm community goal. The application needs to identify a longterm community goal and demonstrate the proposed project is relevant to the achievement of your longterm community goal. You can get up to two points for this piece of the project. Your longterm community goal should capture an ideal state the community is moving towards, it should be developed through community-based process meaning there's lots of community buy-in and input to developing the goal, and it's documented in comprehensive plans, organizational websites, strategic plan, surveys, et cetera. And it becomes one step closer after your project is successful. Here's an example of a longterm community goal, you can also go to page 29 of the manual. We had talked about the Pine Creek tribe and their goal, longterm community goal for their project is that Pine Creek tribal members are healthy, vibrant, and self-sufficient. And this is kind of a 30,000 foot view of a larger more global view or goal, so it's going to be a very broad goal, not necessarily an attainable after the life of your project, but it will contribute to that longterm community goal. You should choose and state one longterm community goal that aligns with your ANA project, and then you need to described why the proposed project will bring your community closer to the identified longterm community goal. Again, their longterm community goal is the Pine Creek tribal members are healthy, vibrant, and self-sufficient, and here they're describing why they chose that goal, and then also how they would work toward that goal in their application. So you can see that their goal was identified by the tribe during their last strategic planning meeting two years ago, surveys were also sent out to the community to determine the priorities of the community, and the survey results showed eight priorities and food sovereignty was number three on their list. The tribal council then determined that the tribal farmer's market was the department best suited to address this longterm community goal. And as a department, they met with their local farmers and surveyed community needs, and determined that community members are unable to purchase the local foods and vegetables currently being produced. And to address this, the co-op reached out to local farmers and through many committee meetings, the project plan was developed to focus on introducing new technologies, to increase production, and reduce costs to the consumer. I'd like you to go to page 30 of your pre-app manual and write your longterm community goal for your project. And address why your project was selected to address this longterm community goal, so how that ties in, and where did you document that your community wanted this goal? So you're gonna identify where the statement is found, for example, your comprehensive plans, mission statements, vision statements, strategic planning document, and/or surveys. Again, we're Alaska Region Training and Technical Assistance Center, and we are here to answer any of your questions, and we offer up to 16 hours of free pre-application review for an application that is at least 75% complete, and we provide tips and resources to help you complete your application. You can go to click on Technical Assistance, and then request TA, and someone will get back to you quickly. You can also call us at 800-948-3158.

Up next

Video 4: Current Community Condition

Current Community Condition

Training episodes

Video 1: Brief Introduction to ANA and New Funding Opportunities
Video 1: Brief Introduction to ANA and New Funding Opportunities
Video 2: How to Build your ANA Application
Video 2: How to Build your ANA Application
Video 3: Long-Term Community Goal
Video 3: Long-Term Community Goal
Video 4: Current Community Condition
Video 4: Current Community Condition
Video 5: Project Goals
Video 5: Project Goals
Video 6: TTIP Objectives
Video 6: TTIP Objectives
Video 7: Outcomes, Indicators, and Outputs
Video 7: Outcomes, Indicators, and Outputs
Video 8: Outcome Tracker & Outcome Tracking Strategy
Video 8: Outcome Tracker & Outcome Tracking Strategy
Video 9: Objective Work Plan
Video 9: Objective Work Plan
Video 10: Budget
Video 10: Budget
Video 11: Community-Based Strategy
Video 11: Community-Based Strategy
Video 12: Readiness and Implementation Strategy
Video 12: Readiness and Implementation Strategy
Video 13: Contingency Plans
Video 13: Contingency Plans
Video 14: Sustainability Plans
Video 14: Sustainability Plans
Video 15: Organizational Capacity
Video 15: Organizational Capacity
Video 16: Submitting the Application to ANA
Video 16: Submitting the Application to ANA