Video 16: Submitting the Application to ANA

Submitting the Application to ANA

This section provides a tutorial on how to submit your application through the web application. It has suggestions about how to create your files and uploading them.

Additionally, there are suggestions to avoid a few common mistakes when filling out some of the standard forms. Submit your application early in case of any technical difficulties!

  • This is video 16 of the 2021 Pre-Application Training Videos developed by the Administration for Native Americans Regional Training and Technical Assistance Centers. Your trainers today include Angela Camos, Alaska Region Training and Technical Assistance Center Regional Director and Napua Harbottle, Pacific Region Training and Technical Assistance Center Technical Assistance Manager. The Alaska Region Training and Technical Assistance Center provides free training and technical assistance to the 227 tribes and native nonprofits that work in Alaska. You can reach us at, or call 800-948-3158. This video series was created by ANA to introduce you to the basic concepts for preparing a 2021 ANA grant application to support your community-based project. There are 16 videos in the series, and we recommend that you take them in sequence. This is video 16 of Pre-Application Training: "Submitting the Application to ANA." The Alaska Region Training and Technical Assistance Center is here to answer any of your questions. We offer 16 hours of free pre-application review for your application that is at least 75% complete. We provide tips and resources to help you complete your application. Should you like to have technical assistance for your application, go to, click on Technical Assistance at the top of the page, then click on Request TA. Someone will get back to you quickly. You can also call 800-948-3158. Thank you very much.

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Video 1: Brief Introduction to ANA and New Funding Opportunities

Brief Introduction to ANA and New Funding Opportunities

Training episodes

Video 1: Brief Introduction to ANA and New Funding Opportunities
Video 1: Brief Introduction to ANA and New Funding Opportunities
Video 2: How to Build your ANA Application
Video 2: How to Build your ANA Application
Video 3: Long-Term Community Goal
Video 3: Long-Term Community Goal
Video 4: Current Community Condition
Video 4: Current Community Condition
Video 5: Project Goals
Video 5: Project Goals
Video 6: TTIP Objectives
Video 6: TTIP Objectives
Video 7: Outcomes, Indicators, and Outputs
Video 7: Outcomes, Indicators, and Outputs
Video 8: Outcome Tracker & Outcome Tracking Strategy
Video 8: Outcome Tracker & Outcome Tracking Strategy
Video 9: Objective Work Plan
Video 9: Objective Work Plan
Video 10: Budget
Video 10: Budget
Video 11: Community-Based Strategy
Video 11: Community-Based Strategy
Video 12: Readiness and Implementation Strategy
Video 12: Readiness and Implementation Strategy
Video 13: Contingency Plans
Video 13: Contingency Plans
Video 14: Sustainability Plans
Video 14: Sustainability Plans
Video 15: Organizational Capacity
Video 15: Organizational Capacity
Video 16: Submitting the Application to ANA
Video 16: Submitting the Application to ANA