Video 14: Sustainability Plans

Sustainability Plans

This section describes the importance of a Sustainability Plan and the various ways outcomes can be sustained.

A sustainable project is one that continues to provide outcomes to the community after completion of the project. Build the sustainability strategy into the project design and work on its implementation throughout the project period.

  • This is video 14, the 2021 pre-application training videos, developed by the Administration for Native Americans regional training and technical assistance centers. I'm Drena McIntyre, and I'm your trainer today. I'm with the Alaska region training and technical assistance center. The Alaska region training and technical assistance center provides free training and technical assistance to the 227 tribes and native nonprofits located in Alaska. You can reach us at, or call 800-948-3158. This is a 16-video series that ANA has produced to introduce you to the basic concepts for preparing a 2021 ANA grant application to support your community-based project. There are 16 videos in the series, and we recommend that you take them in sequence. This is video 14 of pre-application training: sustainability plans, readiness and implementation plan continued. Under readiness and implementation strategy, your application needs to address project sustainability which should include identification of resources, staff, and/or partners that are necessary to ensure that positive outcomes are achieved by the project and that they will be sustained. Common sustainability strategies include regular procedure or institutionalization, meaning that any or all of your project activities will be incorporated into an organization's operation, partnerships, which partner will take over any or all parts of the project after the funding ends, generating program income, how any income will continue the project in part or in whole, and additional grant funds, which potential state, federal, and philanthropic funders will be targeted to continue the work of the project. So, the Pine Creek tribe is giving their sustainability plan in this narrative. And they're saying that the co-op will maintain the partnerships with their four farmers, and each of the farmers will continue to use and maintain the greenhouses' hydroponic systems put in place to maintain affordability and to increase the selection of fruits and vegetables available to the community. The profits from the sales will allow the co-op to keep the agricultural coordinator on staff at least part-time. And lastly, during the latter half of project, a funding plan will be developed with a focus on USDA grants and loan funding, which will allow for an expansion of staff training and other new technologies. So, for your sustainability plan, you can also go to page 91 of the pre-app manual. And there is a table here that you can use to outline your sustainability plan. You list your outcome on top, and then identify resources, staff, partnerships, or other, and then describe how the outcome will be sustained. Use the table to outline your sustainability plan. Make sure you identify resources, staff, or partners necessary to sustain the outcomes of the project, and describe a strategy to sustain each. The Alaska region training and technical assistance center is here to answer any of your questions. We offer 16 hours of free pre-application review. And if your project is at least 75% complete, you can request technical assistance. We also provide tips and resources to help you complete your application. Should you request TA, you can go to, click on Technical Assistance, then click on request TA and someone will get back to you quickly. You can also call 800-948-3158.

Up next

Video 15: Organizational Capacity

Organizational Capacity: Organization Structure, Staffing, Partnerships, Contracts, and Consultants, and Oversight of Federal Funds

Training episodes

Video 1: Brief Introduction to ANA and New Funding Opportunities
Video 1: Brief Introduction to ANA and New Funding Opportunities
Video 2: How to Build your ANA Application
Video 2: How to Build your ANA Application
Video 3: Long-Term Community Goal
Video 3: Long-Term Community Goal
Video 4: Current Community Condition
Video 4: Current Community Condition
Video 5: Project Goals
Video 5: Project Goals
Video 6: TTIP Objectives
Video 6: TTIP Objectives
Video 7: Outcomes, Indicators, and Outputs
Video 7: Outcomes, Indicators, and Outputs
Video 8: Outcome Tracker & Outcome Tracking Strategy
Video 8: Outcome Tracker & Outcome Tracking Strategy
Video 9: Objective Work Plan
Video 9: Objective Work Plan
Video 10: Budget
Video 10: Budget
Video 11: Community-Based Strategy
Video 11: Community-Based Strategy
Video 12: Readiness and Implementation Strategy
Video 12: Readiness and Implementation Strategy
Video 13: Contingency Plans
Video 13: Contingency Plans
Video 14: Sustainability Plans
Video 14: Sustainability Plans
Video 15: Organizational Capacity
Video 15: Organizational Capacity
Video 16: Submitting the Application to ANA
Video 16: Submitting the Application to ANA